Womb Love Guided Meditation
May this meditation help you to begin your exploration of the feminine face of God and how we all uniquely reflect the image of God.

This topic is so tender for me. I first presented a version of this meditation to my small house church community here in San Diego and could not make it though without breaking down. And even in recording the meditation, there were a few times when I teared up. It touches this deep, wounded part of me that felt spiritually lesser than for most of my life, even though I couldn't have articulated it until more recently. Representation matters. And the lack of female representation in my imaginings of the Divine caused me deep self-doubt. It has been maddening yet ultimately healing to discover that the aspects of the Divine Feminine have been buried even in the Christian faith all along. This is still a topic that I'm exploring, so the recommended resources list is long.
Click here to listen to the meditation.