Wisdom Calls: A Feminist Journey Through Lent

In the church calendar, Lent is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal—a season for shedding old patterns and embracing something new. This year, as you enter this sacred season, what if you approached it as an invitation to rediscover the Divine Feminine within the Christian story—and within yourself?

This Lent, join me for the Wisdom Calls Cohort:

  • A seven-week virtual cohort from March 5-April 16 to help you reimagine Lent as a season of feminine wisdom and liberation from patriarchal narratives.
  • Six, 90 minute live cohort meetings on Zoom (Wednesdays, 5-6:30pm PST/8-9:30pm EST)
  • Optional Marco Polo group chat for ongoing discussion between Zoom meetings
  • Theological exploration, introspective discussions, and illuminating spiritual practices in a supportive community of women.

In this seven-week cohort, we’ll walk through Lent together with curiosity and courage. We’ll uncover the often-overlooked feminine metaphors for God, reflect on the sacredness of our own stories as women, and embrace the feminine wisdom woven throughout the Bible. Through learning, discussion, spiritual practices, and community, we’ll create space for transformation—letting go of harmful scripts and embracing a more just, inclusive and holistic vision of God.

Whether you’re deconstructing your faith, reconnecting with your intuition, or seeking spiritual renewal, this course is for you. From March 5 to April 16, I will be gathering with a small group of women once a week on Zoom to rediscover the Divine Feminine in the Christianity, the world, and yourself. Fast from patriarchy. Feast on Wisdom.

For centuries, the feminine aspects of God have been, at best, overlooked and, at worst, strategically hidden. Women’s voices and role in the Bible and church have been shoved to the side, just out of our modern view. Lent invites us to pause, reflect, and reimagine. It is a season to confront the narratives we’ve been handed, challenge the ways we’ve been conditioned to live, and reconnect with our sacred intuition—the Wisdom of God alive within us.

More Details:

  • This group will be limited to 10 women max.
  • The cost is $300, with a $50 discount for paid newsletter subscribers
  • Registration closes Monday, March 3.

Have questions? Scroll to the FAQ section below!

A preview of our weekly outline:

Week 1: An Invitation to the Journey

  • Reflecting on Lent as a season of introspection and renewal, beginning our Lenten journey together
  • Discussing how cultural and historical factors have shaped traditional views of God and excluded the feminine.
  • Exploring our current “lenses” of God and imagining what might need to change.

Lenten Focus: What burdens or old beliefs are you carrying that no longer serve you? What might you release this season to make space for new insights?

Week 2: God as Birthing Mother and Midwife and the Holy Spirit as Femine

  • Diving into feminine metaphors for God: the nurturing, birthing, and partnering aspects.
  • Discovering the longstanding tradition of seeing the Holy Spirit as the feminine expression of God.
  • Exploring the sacredness of women’s bodies and our connection to creation.

Lenten Focus: Reflecting on partnership with God—what does it mean to co-create with the Divine in your life?

Week 3: The Female Personification of Wisdom and Christ as Nurturer

  • Exploring Lady Wisdom in Scripture and Sophia in Greek tradition
  • Learning about the feminine imagery used by Jesus and Paul.
  • Seeing the connection between Wisdom and Christ

Lenten Focus: How can you embrace wisdom and intuition as spiritual practices this Lent?

Week 4: Confronting Harmful Narratives

  • Examining patriarchal, heteronormative white supremacy culture in dominant church US American culture and introducing the alternative approaches to faith.
  • Discussing how harmful systems have impacted perceptions of God, community, and ourselves.

Lenten Focus: What narratives or structures in your spiritual life need to be dismantled or reimagined this Lent?

Week 5: Women’s Stories: Seeing Ourselves in the Bible

  • Learning to read Scripture with an intersectional feminist, womanist, or other liberative lenses.
  • Highlighting overlooked or misunderstood women’s stories in the Bible, such as Hagar, Tamar, Deborah, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Lenten Focus: What lessons from these women resonate with your own story? How does seeing their importance change your sense of worth?

Week 6: Rest and Integration

  • No Zoom meeting
  • Catch up on missed cohort call recordings
  • Work on creative response piece

Week 7: Resurrection and Renewal

  • Wrapping up the course with reflection and celebration.
  • Sharing response pieces from each participant.

Lenten Focus: As we move toward Easter, what does resurrection look like for you in terms of new insights, practices, or beliefs are you ready to carry forward into your life?


When are the group meetings?

We will meet on Wednesdays from 5:00p-6:30p PST/ 8:00p-9:30p EST.

Start: Wed, 3/5
Wed, 3/12
Wed 3/19
Wed, 3/26
Wed 4/2
SKIP Wed 4/9 - catch up on missed cohort recordings and work on creative response project
End: Wed, 4/16

What's the cost and how do I pay?

The cost is $300 per participant, or $250 for paid subscribers to my newsletter (email me for the discount code). 

Please click here and complete your payment to secure your spot. Limited spots are available!

I believe in the transformative power of this course and have set the price to reflect the depth and value of the experience you’ll receive. However, I also understand that financial circumstances vary, and I am committed to making this course accessible to those who need it.

If the cost of the course is a barrier for you, I offer a limited number of sliding scale spots and scholarships. Please don’t hesitate to reach out—I want to ensure that all who are interested have the opportunity to participate. Your journey matters, and I want to support you. If you have any questions about pricing or accessibility options, please contact me directly.

How do I sign on?

I will send out a Google cal invite, and every week you will receive a reminder email with a link before the meeting starts to join us via Zoom. Please be prepared to be on video during our calls, to help increase our sense of embodiment and community.

What if I have to miss a live session?

Each Zoom meeting will be recorded, and I will follow up each week with the link to the recording and any other materials (eg, slides) for you to catch up on. I will be available by email to answer any questions. Recordings will remain accessible for two weeks after the course ends to give everyone ample time to review and reflect.

Will there be lots of homework?

There will not be homework, but I will offer some questions for reflection throughout the week, whether you have capacity to write things down or just use them as food for thought! For our final meeting, I will ask you to come prepared to share some kind of creative response to what you’ve learned, whether that’s a written piece, a drawing, a collage...the sky is the limit and you get to choose how much time and effort you put into it. You won’t be not graded or judged—it’s simply a personal expression of what resonated and how you’re integrating it.

Do I have to believe something specific to be in this group?

Nope! All are welcome! We will be drawing from images of the Divine Feminine in the Bible, but this does not have to reflect your own personal belief system. As a Christian myself, I hold an interfaith perspective that values a variety of wisdom traditions and seek to offer insights from my own tradition. This space is not about dogma or doctrine, but about exploration and connection.

What should I expect for the first cohort call?

Expect a warm, supportive environment where all feelings and experiences are welcome. In our first meeting we will introduce ourselves, discuss why we are here, what we hope to get out of our time together, and then dive in. Bring your skepticism and questions, your pain and your joy. Everything belongs in this space; you’re invited to bring your full self.

What materials do I need?

All you need is a journal or notebook for reflections, a reliable internet connection and device to log on to Zoom, and an open heart!