Waxing Moon Meditation

The difference between this longer version of the meditation and the only available on Insight Timer is that I dive into the idea that the Waxing Moon reminds us of the interplay between light and dark. The Waxing Moon grows from a tiny sliver of light into the full moon over the course of time. At the First Quarter Moon that balance is equal. I find myself pondering my shadow side and my light side, the things I would rather ignore and what I tend to emphasize. The moon continues to be endlessly inspiring to me because she just exists.

I've been (very delinquently) taking an e-course about St. Theresa of Avila with Mirabai Starr and James Finley. One of the things Mirabai said about St. Theresa is that she carried her wounds and didn’t try to be perfected, just human. This resonates with me, as for most of my life I've felt like I'm on a quest for self-improvement and optimization. What if I just allowed myself to be and noticed the value in that?

The Waxing Moon reflects Springtime and our follicular (pre-ovulation phase). So even in the "just be-ing," there's variation because this is a time to work toward goals. Enjoy that!

Click here to listen to the meditation.