Seeing with the Eye of the Heart
May this meditation help you cultivate a deeper and clearer inner seeing.

"The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear [spiritually perceptive], your whole body will be full of light [benefiting from God’s precepts]." - Matthew 6:22, Amplified Version
In this meditation I share a quote from Thomas Merton where he talks about this idea of the "nous"–a Greek word we translate as "mind" but better translated as "the eye of the heart." Thomas Merton says, "At the center of our being is...a point of pure truth, which belongs entirely to God."
Since I learned about this concept of the nous, I've found myself drawn to this imagery of a tiny little pinprick of light where the light of God gets in. It's been helpful to me to create a practice of visualizing the nous, and that's the practice that I'm sharing with you today.
Click here to listen to the meditation.