More Than Conquerors Guided Meditation
May this meditation help you to notice the patterns that keep you stuck so that you can start to see where you actually do have a choice.

All of us have situations in our lives that are less than ideal. We are all operating within the confines of our circumstances. Some of us come up against systemic oppression daily because of our marginalized identities.
While acknowledging this truth, we still don't have to choose to be a victim. Meditation was actually a huge part in helping me overcome many self-defeating thoughts and actions. Of course, sometimes I still fall into a victim mentality, but it used to happen much more often that I would watch and react as things happened to me. I knew that things in my life were NOT working for me, but I would tell myself stories that take the responsibility off of myself and place it on anything else—people, situations, events.
In most situations, however, we do have a choice; we aren't truly a victim. Perhaps our patterns keep us stuck, so the first step is noticing those patterns. Once you notice them, you start to see that you actually do have a choice. Making the hard choice? Well...that's a different topic altogether and perhaps fodder for a future meditation.
Click here to listen to the meditation.