Fruit of the Spirit Guided Meditation

May this meditation help you to see the gifts that are already inside of you and the ways in which you have been shaped by your relationship with the Divine.

Fruit of the Spirit Guided Meditation

Once a month I send a new guided meditation to all of my newsletter subscribers. You can always listen to my meditations for free on Insight Timer, but paid subscribers get tons of bonus materials to dive deeper into the topic at hand, including a breath prayer, a phone wallpaper, access to the transcript, and book or podcast recommendations for the meditation topic.

For each meditation I create a downloadable PDF worksheet with journal questions that you can use either on your own or to share with a group. You can purchase the worksheet separately, and paid subscribers can access it for free. Download the Fruit of the Spirit Meditation worksheet for free below!

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I spent many of my younger years feeling like I was bad and wrong. I clearly recall times when I felt in conflict with an authority figure or disagreed with something I was taught. I was told and assumed internally that I was the one with the problem. I remember thinking that I wasn't good enough for God yet, I wasn't mature enough yet, but one day I would be, if I kept trying hard enough.

Looking back on my younger self, I feel sad because I had internal knowing and inherent goodness. I had gifts and possessed truth, yet I continued to chase an ideal. May this meditation help you to see the gifts that are already inside of you and the ways in which you have been shaped by your relationship with the Divine.


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Click to download the worksheet for free.


Click to read the transcript for this meditation.


Inhale: Love
Exhale: Fear


  1. Out of the 9 qualities listed in the Fruit of the Spirit, which comes most naturally? Which is the hardest for you to cultivate? Why do you think that is?
  2. Describe your experience of blessing a difficult person in your life with one of the qualities. Describe your experience of blessing yourself. How did that feel?
  3. How do you think God wants to speak to you through the Fruit of the Spirit?


A book that has helped me shift my view of self way from "bad" to inherently good is No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz. The 8 C's of Internal Family Systems remind me of the Fruit of the Spirit.

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Each guided meditation comes with book and podcast suggestions that relate to the topic. Click to check out all of my book recommendations.


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