Embodiment, Diet Culture, and Intuitive Eating
Two years ago I started really focusing on embodiment. In spirituality, yes, and also in the ways I was interacting with my physical body on a daily basis.
I stumbled backwards into an intuitive eating journey sometime last year.
In August 2022, I had been consistently working out for a year and still was dealing with lower belly pooch, feeling like I looked pregnant when relaxed. I sought out pelvic floor physical therapy to get my c-section scar assessed as well as my core engagement. My PT told me that I was underusing my low abs and transverse abdominis, and over using my upper abs and obliques, creating a gripping that exacerbated the pooch.
At one of my appointments I confessed to her that I felt weirdly guilty for caring what my stomach looked like, that I was failing at body positivity. She said something that changed my perspective.