Embracing Wholeness
As we begin this new year, I wonder if you can carry this truth with you: You are whole.
I took a break from social media over the holidays because all I wanted for Christmas was rest and presence. As we step into this new year, I've been reflecting on something close to my heart.
I truly believe that the message of Jesus wasn't that you’re broken and in need of a savior. I believe the message is this: you are whole. You are good. You are made in the image of the Divine.
Jesus said it himself, he didn't come in the the world to condemn the world, but, I believe, to restore the world, and humanity to our state of original goodness, to call forward the truths about ourselves that we might have forgotten while moving through this broken world.
So much of life asks us to split off parts of ourselves—our true thoughts, our real feelings, or our desires. We’re often put in situations where we feel the need to protect ourselves, to stay on guard. Sometimes life demands too much, and we find ourselves in survival mode, just managing or defending. That’s part of being human. It's easy to forget that you are whole because so much of the time we feel broken, we experience the impacts of living in a society full of broken systems and other messy humans.